
Posts Tagged ‘Maemo’

SomePlayer – An AweSome audio player for the N900

If you thought that development on Maemo was slowing down, think again. SomePlayer is a feature packed audio player with a simple yet well-designed UI. Based on Qt, it is fast and offers all the things that were missed in the stock ‘Media Player’ like playlist management, Equalizer, and most of all, full-portrait support.

SomePlayer landed in Extras last week and has already been downloaded a whopping 45000 times. Here are some screenshots:

The software is already available in 5 languages (pl, it, zh_CN, ru, zh_TW); if you can provide help with more, jump in!

The creators seems to be from Russia. Kudos to the team for an aweSome app.

created using MaStory on the N900

Categories: apps, likes, Maemo, N900 Tags: , , , ,

GOM Reminder – a handy organizer for the N900

Checked out this nice app at the Ovi Store. Its a simple and easy to use utility that allows you to set up reminders quickly which trigger the standard system alarm.

Reminders can be from simple ones that trigger after a set time to more sophisticated ones with various options for recurrences like ‘Forever’, ‘Until’ and ‘X Times’. The options are laid out logically and makes using the app a breeze. Nice job by the guys at Tardigrada.

Categories: apps, likes, Maemo, N900, ovi Tags: , , , , ,